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Saturday, February 12, 2011


Do you know what's wrong with the word SORRY? it gives people the wrong idea that all mistake can be solved by a single word. Kalau mudah sangat untuk semua orang cakap SORRY, semua penjenayah-penjenayah dalam dunia ni boleh lepas hukuman bila cakap SORRY kat hakim. Lepas cakap SORRY terus blah..pretend macam tak buat apa-apa salah yang sama. Fikir laa..jangan termakan dengan kata-kata sendiri sudahlah. May Allah bless you..! You know who you are..! tak perlu nak mention nama awk kat sini. Its seem like tak berlaku apa-apa. All the problem can be settle down by a single word "SORRY". Hey awk..I'm not to prove that i'm always on the right side but..i'm just stress out my voice. So that you can hear clearly what i want from you. Not a word "SORRY"  or "MAAFLAH"..:(

Natasha Aziz